21:00 até às 00:00
Make Bennett Not War DJSET

Make Bennett Not War DJSET


7, 8, 9, 10 JULY

* 21h00 - 00h00 – DJSET Make Bennett Not War

Clubbing: DJ Collective DJ’s KISSMyF


Price: free.

Description: Once upon a time there were three friends mad about songs. They were waiting for an opportunity to share it together with the world and KISMIF attended that wish. World, here they are: KissMyF, the collective. The word F is whatever you want. They have wanderlust in their songs and they travel throughout several musical planets within the pop/rock universe. On the menu from this collective of DJs formed to celebrate the 2021 edition of the KISMIF Conference, punctuate the following bands and projects - as obligatory and indisputable in terms of fruition.
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