19:00 até às 22:00
HoldUp Makesense Lisbon: Falar, Juntar e Fazer pela Saúde Mental

HoldUp Makesense Lisbon: Falar, Juntar e Fazer pela Saúde Mental

Hello dear Lisbon community! 
Our next HOLD UP is here, just one week before the SenseCamp! 

Due to this project's needs this event will be in Portuguese. If you don't speak the language but would like to join, feel free to join anyway - please message Débora or Ana Mina to let us know.

Somos (o início de) um movimento cidadão empenhado em melhorar a saúde mental de todos nós.

Queremos viver numa sociedade em que cuidamos melhor uns dos outros quando estamos a sofrer e nos incentivamos a melhorar a nossa saúde mental mesmo quando nos sentimos bem. 

A nossa missão é: 
- FALAR, desfazer o estigma e aumentar a nossa literacia em saúde mental
- JUNTAR toda a sociedade e assumir a saúde mental como responsabilidade de todos nós
- FAZER: descobrir recursos e criar soluções inovadoras que cheguem a mais pessoas.

​Se estas ideias te fazem sentido, tens interesse pela área da saúde mental ou apenas vontade de nos ajudar, este hold up é para ti! A MakeSense procura a tua inspiração e conhecimento para ajudar a resolver os desafios do projeto destas duas empreendedoras sociais. Terás também oportunidade de aprender a metodologia de resolução de desafios do Makesense, mundialmente testada - o HOLD UP - e perceber como é fácil resolver problemas da sociedade em conjunto.

A equipa da MakeSense em Lisboa, a Mina e a Débora convidam-te a​ ajudar-nos​ a resolver um ​dos ​desafio​s deste projecto​. Os pormenores serão desvendados aqui em breve. 

O evento será no Impact HUB! Se ainda não conheces, é um espaço inspirador, que promove o co-working e o suporte ao empreendedorismo social, bem como várias iniciativas de impacto, apelando à criatividade e inovação :)

Vemo-nos lá!

>>> What is it a Hold Up?<<<
#HoldUp is a creative ideation session to help social entrepreneurs find solutions to their challenges. The Hold Ups are always FREE, FUN and a very good way for the COMMUNITY contribute for the positive impact of good ideas!

>>>What is MakeSense?<<<
MakeSense is a growing community that is mainly run by volunteers with about 22,000 members worldwide. We make it possible for anyone in the world to get involved at any level to solve social and environmental issues. We empower people to engage in projects and help social entrepreneurs solve concrete challenges to contribute to solutions for some of the biggest problems we face today. 

The event will be facilitated by Filipa Pires de Almeida and Mariana Servidio We'll be waiting for you!


Want to get involved? Take part of one of our events and talk to us!
Join our MakeSense community in Lisbon here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/makesenselisbon/

MakeSense >> www.makesense.org

See you there! :)
MakeSense Lisbon team 
We are (the beginning of) a movement determined to improve the mental health of all of us.

We want to live in a society where we look after each other when we're in pain, and we improve our own mental health even when we feel well.

Our mission is to:
- TALK, tackle the stigma and improve our mental health literacy
- GATHER the whole society and assume mental health as a responsability from each and all of us
- MAKE: discover resources and create innovative solutions that reach more people.

If this makes sense to you, you are interested in mental health or you simply want to help us, this Hold Up is for you! MakeSense needs your inspiration and knowlwdge to help solve this project's challenges. You will also get a chance to learn about MakeSense's challenge solving methodology, which was been tested worldwide - HOLD UP - and understand how easy it is to solve social problems together. 

The MakeSense Lisbon team, Ana Mina and Débora invite you to join us in solving one of the challenges that our project is facing. More details will be announced soon.

The event will take place at Impact HUB Lisbon! If you haven't been there yet, it's an inspiring place which promotes co-working, supports social entrepreneurship and various impact iniciativies, with much room for creativity and innovation :)

We'll see you there!
Recomendamos que confirme toda a informação junto do promotor oficial deste evento. Por favor contacte-nos se detectar que existe alguma informação incorrecta.
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