11:00 até às 18:00
An introduction to Conscious Kink by Calu Lema and Carmo Gê Pereira

An introduction to Conscious Kink by Calu Lema and Carmo Gê Pereira

An introduction to Conscious Kink
By Carmo Ge Pereira and Calu Lema
The workshop will be delivered in English and Portuguese

Introduction to Conscious Kink is a body positive, consent based, all gender friendly workshop, bringing together the transformative powers of presence, intention and awareness into a space of exploration and play.

Kink practices can be part of a self-research journey into fetishes, kinks and BDSM with the intention to have ecstatic experiences, navigate landscapes of sensations, induce cathartic releases, connect with others through non-sexual intimacy, process feelings, strengthen our communication skills, create personal rituals, explore erotic playfulness, witness ourselves in roles of power, surrender to vulnerability, and much more.

Kink practices are not limited to the realms of sexual exchanges; these can be explored by everyone when consent and boundaries have been negotiated.

Our workshop includes:
Brief history of BDSM
Physical, emotional and sexual safety
Exploring communication, consent & boundaries
Creating and holding space
Power dynamics (giving and receiving)
Sensory play
Breathe play
Impact play
After care

During the workshop all structures are optional and participants will be encouraged to prioritise themselves throughout.

Cost €60 / €70 / €80 (sliding scale based on trust). There's a discount if joining the Naked Movement day workshop that's taking place on Saturday. 
€100 for participating in both workshops

To book contact Calu on liberatingmovement@gmail.com

About us

Calu is a gender fierce feminist of Latin American blood passionate about decolonising narratives, deconstructing identities and promoting self-love. Calu facilitates sex and body positive spaces for personal and communal growth, co-creating journeys at retreats and festivals together with private and group sessions. www.comtacto.co.uk

Carmo Gê Pereira has / is a portuguese project linked to sexuality since 2008. With years of experience in erotic advice and Tuppersex and creating and doing workshops, trainings, screenings and events, since 2011, and counselling since 2015, all connected to the area of ​​sexuality, in a successful attempt of sharing an insight into sexual behaviours and identities in an open and demystified way.

Carmo Gê Pereira tem / é um projecto português ligado à sexualidade desde 2008. Com anos de experiência em assessoramento erótico e tuppersex, realização de workshops, formações e tertúlias, sessões de cinema e ciclos de eventos desde 2011 e aconselhamento desde 2015, tudo ligado à área da sexualidade, numa tentativa, bem sucedida de passar uma visão sobre comportamentos e identidades de forma desmistificada e aberta. http://carmogepereira.com/
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