20:00 até às 21:30
Webinar 'What Does It Mean to Embrace All of Life As It Is?'

Webinar 'What Does It Mean to Embrace All of Life As It Is?'

The topic for the webinar by Cynthia Bampton in May is 'What Does It Mean to Embrace All of Life As It Is?.

If we start looking closely at our experience, we can see how we avoid or dramatize what is arising most of the time. But is this freedom? Can we face all that is arising - thoughts, emotions, situations, even fear - while not moving away from any of it? Can we simply be with what is? In this webinar Cynthia will show how are habitually moving away from 'Life' most of the time and how it is possible - for us all - to have a different and liberated relationship to our experience. Come to the webinar to receive spiritual teaching, practical guidance and the opportunity to ask Cynthia a question on this or any topic related to the awakening process.

Cynthia Bampton offers these webinars on the first Wednesday of every month. Cynthia’s teachings are based on the fundamental truth of non-duality and how to live this in the world, in relationship. These webinars demystify the spiritual path and Cynthia gives concrete suggestions on how you can rest more deeply into your True Self and also to learn to recognize the movement of ego as it arises in your awareness.  After the talk, she will take questions on the topics she has presented. And if anyone is interested she is happy to speak about the Awakened Life Project and the vision to create a new culture beyond limitation and separation.

So if you are interested in coming together with others to understand why you think what you think and why you do what you do then please join us. If you find that you have a deep longing for something more or a Yes arises in you when you think about registering for this webinar then we hope you follow that longing and that yes!

Cynthia offers these monthly webinars on a donation basis. Details of how to donate are below.

This is a link to audio and videos of past webinars so you can get a taste of how Cynthia teaches: http://awakenedlifeproject.org/en/audiosvideos-webinars-cynthia-bampton   


This call will be on Wednesday 5th of March from 8 - 9:30pm BST.

These calls will be recorded and the audio will be available after the call. If you prefer not to be recorded then please let us know ahead of time.

Registration is free. Cynthia Bampton is offering this webinar on a donation basis. See below how to donate if you would are inspired to do so.


We use a video-conferencing software called Zoom, you need only follow sign-up to use the software. It is best if you are on a landline or a 3G or 4G connection.

TO REGISTER FOR THIS CALL PLEASE click this link or copy and paste it into your browser:


After registering with Zoom, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

We hope to see you there, please feel free to share the event and the links to previous webinars.  


If you would like to donate you can do this with paypal. The account is info@awakenedlifeproject.org
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