Roi Casal

Roi Casal

Roi Casal is a musician, composer and singer from Galicia (Spain) born in 1980. He has also mastered the Celtic harp and the hurdy-gurdy, ancient instruments of his native land, with great virtuosity.

He was a member of the legendary Galician band Milladoiro between 2000 and 2009.

His solo artistic career began in 2009, with the release of the album Lendas Douradas, followed by Maxicamente Vello (2011) and Donos do noso destino (2014). All three works were critically acclaimed and became number one sellers in Galicia each year of their respective releases.

His music has also been used as a soundtrack for film and TV productions in several countries.

His tours have reached Japan, Argentina, USA, Switzerland, Uruguay, Portugal and Germany among other countries.
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