11:00 até às 17:00
Creative Journey: Clay All Day

Creative Journey: Clay All Day

Join us in this full day ceramic workshop even if you are a complete beginner!
What to expect?
In the morning, we will have a coffee in the garden and have a conversation about ceramics and what You would like to make. The possibilities are endless, as you will have 5kg of Clay and plenty of molds, shapes and stamps to help you get inspired. You can make a set of bowls for your home, a sculpture, set of plates, teacups, flower pots? I will be helping you and showing different techniques, and anytime you will have doubts,  I will be around to solve them. We will spend 2.5 hours creating the pieces, and then we will enjoy homemade lunch, made by myself. The lunch menu will be previously talked with every participant to check for the allergies and restrictions. After lunch and a glass of wine, we will paint on our pieces with pigments, applying different techniques such as dripping and sgraffito. Each piece will dry, get fired and bathed in glaze by me later on, to ensure the impermeability and brightness of colours you applied. The pieces will be ready to collect around one week later. 
Schedule:11h-13.30h shaping our pieces13.30h-14.30 lunch 14.30-17h painting on our pieces 
About me: I am Celia Lostrego, ceramic artist with 15 years experience, I am passionate about clay and food. I learned both things during years of traveling and coworking with artists and locals, and now I have put my roots in Portugal, where I can share my knowledge with people. You can see my work on instagram @celia_lostrego.
Location: Our immersive ceramic event will take place at Studio Clay Mood - unique and cozy upcycled ceramic space made entirely by ourselves, located within Mafa Mood - centenary portuguese gym, transformed into cultural association with a nice garden highlighting the giant avocado tree, which you will have chance to see :) We are located next to Santo Ovidio metro stop on the yellow line, at Rua do Telhado 261. It´s a tiny hidden street but you will find it!
Price: The price of this workshop is 120 € and it includes all the materials, bisque-firing, glazing, glaze-firing, lunch, snacks, coffee, tea, juices, beer and wine.  
Who can join?Anyone starting age 10 interested in ceramics, with or without experience. 
Languages:I speak fluent English, Portuguese, Spanish, Lithuanian and Russian. 
Registration: To register, please contact me via whatsapp or call +351936901133, to talk about your food restrictions and doubts if you have any, and I will ask for a non-refundable 50 percent payment in advance. 
Recomendamos que confirme toda a informação junto do promotor oficial deste evento. Por favor contacte-nos se detectar que existe alguma informação incorrecta.
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