Dance Your Own Pleasure

Dance Your Own Pleasure

25€ - 30€
Pleasure is what allows us to enjoy life and dance is one of the ways to experience it. Here, we will approach the unbalances of the sexual chakra – the root of pleasure, and how these unbalances manifest in life, giving you opportunity to observe and work on your own chakra. 
Sexual Chakra is where our motivation to concrete our dreams and life projects is born. 
In this workshop, you will have the opportunity to awaken the movement of your center of pleasure, to shake out stagnant emotions and release the power of the most creative energy that exists – sexual energy, while having fun at the same time.  This workshop is open to any gender.


Alícia Despertar Holístico is a coach & therapist of Tantra and Conscious Sexuality, with a previous background on Nursing and diverse Holistic Therapies.
Alícia guides transformational journeys through pleasure and self-empowerment by reframing the way you live sexuality, your role as a woman/man in society, reclaiming your personal power, self-love, self-esteem, self-confidence, as well as reconnecting with your own pleasure.
In the last few years, Alícia has been doing conferences, talks, workshops, retreats and festivals in Portugal, Mexico, Spain, Ecuador and Brazil. Since 2022 she has been invited to co-facilitate at international tantra retreats with renowned tantra masters.

Saturday, Aug 3th 
ALMA MATER -  Salema Ecocamp
BOOKINGS at +5585920021541 or https://forms.gle/mWvVYxZzbkYW1ZPJ8
Instagram: @alicia_tantras3xconsciente
Sliding scale 25-30€

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