Matthew Peter Williams - Eixos do Conhecimento Interdisciplinar

Matthew Peter Williams - Eixos do Conhecimento Interdisciplinar

Matthew Peter Williams vai proferir a conferência ​​"What can we know, and how can we know it? The use of ancient DNA to unravel our genetic history", no âmbito dos Eixos do Conhecimento Interdisciplinar. A sessão terá lugar na Sala de Seminários do CEIS20 no dia 24 de setembro pelas 14h30.

The field of paleogenomics has revolutionized our understanding of human evolutionary history, with recent efforts concentrating on unraveling our more immediate past. However, this shift has raised important questions about the efficacy of existing methods in addressing historical and archaeological hypotheses pertaining to putative past migrations. This presentation will explore how historical conditions such as increased demographic complexity and decreased genetic differentiation impact the performance of commonly-used ancient DNA admixture methods. In addition, the presentation will provide a preview of on-going ancient DNA research focusing on the genetic history of Mesopotamia through an analysis of a Bronze and Iron Age community residing on the periphery of Mesopotamia and the Zagros foothills.

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