18:00 até às 22:00
Meditation Retreat: A Journey into Pure Being

Meditation Retreat: A Journey into Pure Being

250€ - 300€
Do you know that you can Realize your True Nature in this moment? Do you know that you always have the capability to be already Happy? Do you long to be Free? Do you want to live a life of profound wholeness and purpose? 

The radically simple yet profound approach to meditation that Peter shares is a direct doorway to this miracle of Spiritual Awakening.

In this weekend retreat we will dive deeply into the experience of True Meditation, which is not a technique, but a direct discovery the Spiritual Heart, which is the source of love, clarity, creativity and spontaneity.

The instructions are so simple that anyone can begin without any previous experience. At the same time, the subtlety that is revealed about the nature of mind and the truth of non-duality offers infinite depth to even the most experienced meditator.

This is an opportunity to put aside the routine of our everyday lives and give ourselves completely to spiritual practice in a supportive collective context.
The retreat will be held in silence except for teaching periods and question and answer sessions. No previous meditation experience is necessary and people from all faiths and spiritual orientations can benefit.
Peter will guide you in some simple qi gong postures and movements that are very relaxing and energizing. Some are silent standing postures and some are flowing movements of improvisational dance that we will do to soft, inspirational music. Many people find that the qi gong is a perfect compliment to the meditation practice.
If the weather is warm enough we will do the qi gong barefoot outside on the grass.


Peter will give you contemplations to read on such subjects as the nature of thought, emotion, body, time, space and creation. These contemplations have the power to illuminate conditioned patterns of thinking and perceiving that keep us trapped in false and limiting ideas and beliefs. 

In combination with meditation, these contemplations can open you to the direct perception of non-duality or oneness. Many participants have experienced life changing revelations and understandings as a result of this combination of meditation and contemplation, together with the opportunity to explore the contemplations further with Peter in the question and answer sessions.


7am Meditation

8am Optional Qi Gong 

9am Breakfast

10 -1pm Meditation Sessions

1pm Lunch

2-3pm Free Time

3-5pm Meditation Sessions

5-5.30pm Tea Break

5.30-6.30 Meditation

6.30 - 8pm Dinner

8 - 9.30pm Question & Answer


We offer a discounted rate for Portuguese to reflect the different economic reality here compared with Northern Europe and America. Price includes everything for the retreat. Because we have limited space we offer a 50 euro discount for the retreat for those who can bring their own tents.  We have 4 rooms available for those who need them and also we have tents for those who don't have their own.​

Regular Prices:

For Portuguese and Spanish Resident: 250€ 

For Foreigners and Portuguese living outside of Portugal: 300€ 

If you have a sincere desire to participate in this retreat but you have financial difficulty and need a discount in order to attend please write to us and tell us why you want to come to the retreat and what price you can afford.

Prices include three delicious vegetarian meals every day, including vegetables and wild greens harvested from the Quinta.
The retreat starts at 19:00 Friday with dinner. There are 3 meditation sessions in the morning and then 4 in the afternoon and evening on Saturday, 3 in the morning and 2 in the afternoon on Sunday. Every day there are question and answer sessions so that you are fully supported as you go through the retreat.

We ask that people arrive between 17:00 - 19:00 if possible on Friday night so you can get settled before dinner. Dinner is served at 19.30. We have an orientation at 9pm and this is the official start of the retreat. If you cannot arrive by 8:45 please eat dinner on the road and if you can't arrive by 9pm please let us know. 

The retreat silence officially ends at 18.00pm on Sunday. Everybody usually stays for a while afterwards to share the ecstatic joy and unity and enjoy some tea and healthy delicious cakes together.
Recomendamos que confirme toda a informação junto do promotor oficial deste evento. Por favor contacte-nos se detectar que existe alguma informação incorrecta.
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